The Low at Vermilion

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Director
Hong Kong Observatory

Dear Sir,

Or madam? A better man would have checked, but
screw it. Look, this flooding is nuts. Last year
the big weather came late: black rainstorms
in October. But this year, all early: that same
old guy is sitting watching TV with the water
stinking up his armchair. I don't think
he even wants to be rescued. Most people don't
but let's not get all philosophical. The thing about
the weather is this, it makes me think you
are not really in control up there.
I'm picturing you at the instruments. Maybe not
you personally. The rain is driving against those
angled windows and some sweating bit actor
is jabbing the console and saying I just don't
understand. Your faces are lit up green
from below. Sir, madam, it's going to take
some decisive action on your part, those lows
are sweeping in. Down here at ground level
some people, some people are wondering when
it'll all end. Don't judge them. People get scared.
Most don't even have the illusion that they
are in charge of the weather. Me, I
worked out a while ago that the weather always
passes. Up there in the tower you can
change it but you can't stop it. That would
be the real trick.

At some point up there I believe we stopped
talking about the weather.

Yours faithfully,

Benjamin Blain.


  • At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ben - been trying to catch up with you for ages. Peter/ralph Averbuch here from ur old QMC daze. Can u get in touch. Want to know how u r doing etc etc. ralph at electricnews dot net



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