The Low at Vermilion

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Progress sucks.

Recovered from some lost corner of my school, a book on elementary games. So this is what self publishing looked like in the 70s. Typewritten pages and stick figure drawings. Page 7. "Combatives". Combatives? Check cover. Yes Elementary Games. What's this? "Cavalry fight." Some general instructions on set up- basically pair the kids in your PE class up and get one to pick-a-back the other. Then, the immortal lines: "The general melee begins."

The general melee begins! How perfect is that? Primary school kids in a general melee. Call social services! But not yet. There's more. Next item. "Three point wrestle." Place paired kids in marked circle. On the signal, each tries to force the other to touch the mat with three body points at once. Any fair wrestling hold is permitted.

Any fair wrestling hold! Like, the Boston Crab, the Flying Dropkick, that one where they mount the ropes and backflip onto their opponent's exposed torso?

What a great book. How much does modern nanny-state schooling suck?


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