The Low at Vermilion

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Last night, after the run, I substituted the first beer for a cold coke. Thereafter, I only half filled my glass with beer each time. I'm as cunning as a fox! By the time A called me, I was still one beat of sobriety behind everyone else. I promised I would leave in 30 minutes and I was gone in 25. Progress.

I rarely get drunk on wine. It just isn't the same. With me, i's all about that forst mouthful of beer. As A says, when it's hot, and you've been working hard, and you feel like you deserve it, it's hard not to just pour it down. And it's so good. Blizzard cold, sharp, and rushing straigh to the bloodstream. Wonderful.

But this is where the evening starts to break down for me. Because the second one tastes almost as good, and I'm a fast drinker, so I'm onto the third before you've caught up. Now the contents of the bottle are doing the thinking for me and I'm happy to let it. What started as a simple pleasure- one cold beer- has now become an urgent desire to just lose it.

Anyway. Progress. I met up with A and rewarded myself with two more beers at the bar.


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