The Low at Vermilion

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rainy Tuesday morning. Back to school after a long weekend. Sunday I gave the kids an unwarranted bollocking, so irrational in scope and delivery that neither could really keep a straight face by the end of it. This always happens when I start the day by congratulating myself on what a great parent I am. Total self delusion.

Some wisdom garnered in the usual fashion, by flipping randomly through books:

"It's easy to lead multiple lives. What's hard is to be a whole person." - Kim Stanley Robinson. (This resonated so deeply that it was like a bell ringing. I may have a new motivation for getting up in the morning. To be a whole person. That's some dream.)

"The problem of self identity is not just a problem for the young." -Norman Maclean (Reassuring, given he was 74 when he wrote that. He goes on to say, "It is a problem all the time. Perhaps the problem. It should haunt old age, and when it no longer does it should tell you that you are dead.")

Now Robinson's quote comes from the Buddhist tradition- he puts it in the mouth of a Tibetan monk in his most recent novel. Maclean is firmly a Scottish Presbyterian, though born and raised in Montana and I think at least an agnostic. So you can see the difference. Integrating, balancing, coming to terms with, complementing, rounding, fulfilling. The Buddhist way? And on the other hand, identifying, naming, analysing, perhaps fixing or repairing, maybe even excising or exorcising where necessary- the way of (strictly Western) Christianity?

I should study more.

Saturday and Sunday spent in church, reaccrediting as a "Mentor" for the Education for Ministry program. While doing some reflective meditation with the group, I sort of flashed on the idea that my involvement with the school's cross country team was some sort of calling. I got the clear "message" that I was to commit to that, lay down a year of serious challenge, genuine care, and as much fun as possible for those kids. I'm not one much given to typing this sort of thing, but here goes: God give me grace to do my best with them, and I'll leave it to You to find places we can race and chances for them to excel. Amen.

Oh and the stuff about being a whole person and self identity? I need some help with that. Amen Amen.


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